
Join me on my very own Facebook page & share my journey as I prepare for my Delta Society Pet Partners Skills & Aptitude test and start working as a real live Therapy Dog!   And share your tips and experiences with me too! 

I was found wandering. I don't talk much about my past - living in the moment and all that - but it wasn't pretty. I don't think my previous people understood much about dogs at all. I thought all people were like that until the more understanding ones found me! I thought people were interesting but pretty strange and sometimes even scary before. Lot's of spooky things going on out there! But mom encouraged me to be brave and friendly and now I'm so brave and friendly that I have to learn "manners". I'm not sure why?

Everyone seems to love me and I love them too so why waist all that time having "manners"? I like to dive right in! But mom says I have to learn to be patient and calm if I want to be a Therapy Dog - whatever that is. I'm told it will mean I can go places with mom and visit people who don't feel well and have kids practice reading to me. Sounds awesome! Anything to not be left behind anyway! We have a test coming up so we need to get crackin'!

So far I've learned to sit, down, stay and I'm pretty good at waiting and healing too (sometimes even "off" which I'm told is the same as "leave it" but more polite for people who apparently don't like to be referred to as "it"?) as long as I've had plenty of exercise and there isn't anything too exciting to distract me. Other dogs are definitely still way too exciting because I love to play SO much! We definitely need to work on that - and you know what that means - TREATS!!! (YAY!) But I'm learning and also very grateful that mom thinks it's good if even therapy dogs are real dogs first with lot's of our own interests and activities to be good therapy dogs. She says the happier we are then we have more to bring to and give to others - just like people!  Awesome!

I LOVE running and jumping through the woods, chasing critters or balls - or even anything I can pretend is running away. Mom taught me how to swim even in deep water and I love that too now!  And mom says she may even teach me some more fun things like "agility" and maybe even "fly ball" soon! 

I'll let you know how all that goes. And please join me on
Facebook and let me know how it's going with you too - maybe your working on some of the same stuff we are!  Maybe some stuff we hadn't thought of yet!  Share your experiences with all of us on facebook!

Thanks!  Slurpy wet kisses and Happy Tails to you all! ... Love, Molly - (Miss Molly Moo Ringwald, Therapy Dog In Training)

P.S. Ooops! Mom just reminded me to be sure & thank
Julia, Kristen & Julie and for helping with my training so far!  They're awesome too! 

P.S.S.  for all you "foster" dogs out there angling for a fur-ever home - be patient!  Sometimes humans can be awfully slow on the uptake.  Keep the faith!  If I can do it anyone can!  Here's how I did it and it just might work for you too!  Good luck! ...