ANY domestic Pet 
Can be an Angel Paws Therapy Pet!
If you have a friendly cat, rabbit, guinea pig, bird - you name it - 

he or she may make a wonderful therapy pet too!

Autum, Angel Paws Therapy Cat
Rupert, Angel Paws Therapy Pig

Skills & Aptitude Test for Very Small Dogs, Cats, Birds & Pocket Pets

Pet Partners teams with very small dogs, cats, birds & pocket pets must still pass the 19 part Delta Society Pet Partners Skills & Aptitude Test.  Very small dogs may be carried but ALL dogs must walk on the floor for the out for a walk exercise.  Small  pets may be carried in a crate, basket or on a towel with a harness & leash.  Most exercises are the same with the exception of the sit, down, stay & come exercises.  As a substitution for those exercises pets will be placed in strangers laps for interaction.  Grooming, overall exam and exuberant and clumsy petting will be conducted  on a table.  

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