ANGEL PAWS Animal Assisted Activities & Therapy
a Community Partner of Pet Partners® (formerly Delta Society), Reading Education Assistance Dogs® (R.E.A.D.®) affiliate
& 501 (c) (3) Non-Profit organization
Scientific Research & Testimonials
"I have managed over 125 different health care facilities in 14 states and Angel Paws is different than any other pet therapy program I have experienced in that your volunteers are highly professional, start to finish. I believe that Angel Paws is a role model for anyone seeking true Animal Assisted Therapy in a health care setting." - John Hughes, Former Owner/Administrator, Flint Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation
"This organization highly values the mutually beneficial relationship between volunteer, patient and pet,
with a keen attention to safety, sensitivity and effective interaction." - Richard R. Donnard, D.O., Medical Director, Hospice of Central Ohio
"We had spent several years investigating agencies and organizations claiming to offer these benefits through their therapy dog programs and services. Our first meeting between Eagle Wings Academy's administration and (Angel Paws' Director) was impressive ...
We at Eagle Wings Academy highly recommend this program to any school considering the utilization of a therapy animal program."
- Amanda Griffith, Executive Director & Becky Shaffer, Curriculum Advisor, Eagle Wings Academy
with a keen attention to safety, sensitivity and effective interaction." - Richard R. Donnard, D.O., Medical Director, Hospice of Central Ohio
"We had spent several years investigating agencies and organizations claiming to offer these benefits through their therapy dog programs and services. Our first meeting between Eagle Wings Academy's administration and (Angel Paws' Director) was impressive ...
We at Eagle Wings Academy highly recommend this program to any school considering the utilization of a therapy animal program."
- Amanda Griffith, Executive Director & Becky Shaffer, Curriculum Advisor, Eagle Wings Academy
"We nourish our bodies with every impulse of trust and love! - Depak Chopra, M.D.
An abundance of articles & research on the benefits of human/animal interaction can be found on Pet Partners web site by clicking HERE!
Groundbreaking Scientific Research Results
Showing Scientifically Measured Benefits of Therapy Dog Visits in a UCLA Cardiac Care Unit |
What others say about Angel Paws ...
Facility Staff

'This is a big help to staff as well as patients.' - Mary Rogers, R.N.
Nursing & Rehabilitation - "I have been serving in long term care for over 25 years, managing over 125 different facilities in 14 states. During that time, I have had many facilities that had "pet therapy" or what passed for it. Angel Paws is different from any other program I have experienced in that your organization and your volunteers are highly professional, start to finish. As a result, when your staff and animals are here, it is not simply an 'Aw, isn't that sweet' type of interaction; it is a genuine, therapeutic experience for the patient, with objectively measurable outcomes. ... You do a wonderful job and I believe that Angel Paws is a role model for anyone seeking true animal assisted therapy in a health care setting." - John Hughes, Former Owner/Administrator, Flint Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation
Hospice - "Our unit is utilized for the treatment of intractable symptoms often seen during the dying process and I was unsure how animals could possibly impact our patients. During the initial training for the medical staff, you were very sensitive to their concerns as well, ensuring us that the program is evaluated on an ongoing basis , and providing helpful input regarding the extensive training and evaluation programs in place. As a result we were well prepared for our role in the visitation process and interaction with patients and families. Since implementation of your program, ... Our patients, many of which have had pets in the home, have expressed great joy in the comfort that your pets bring to them. In situations where our patients have been unable to respond, we have seen their families being comforted by the presence of your pets, which are always well-behaved and seem to 'sense' the impact they are making. In addition, your volunteers are always sensitive toward our patients and families while exhibiting professional and caring attitudes. Angel Paws provides enrichment to the lives of our patients and families and we are proud to work with you in the delivery of quality end-of-life care.” – LaTina Schlafley, R.N., ICC/QI Coordinator, Hospice of Central Ohio
Hospice - "Our unit is utilized for the treatment of intractable symptoms often seen during the dying process and I was unsure how animals could possibly impact our patients. During the initial training for the medical staff, you were very sensitive to their concerns as well, ensuring us that the program is evaluated on an ongoing basis , and providing helpful input regarding the extensive training and evaluation programs in place. As a result we were well prepared for our role in the visitation process and interaction with patients and families. Since implementation of your program, ... Our patients, many of which have had pets in the home, have expressed great joy in the comfort that your pets bring to them. In situations where our patients have been unable to respond, we have seen their families being comforted by the presence of your pets, which are always well-behaved and seem to 'sense' the impact they are making. In addition, your volunteers are always sensitive toward our patients and families while exhibiting professional and caring attitudes. Angel Paws provides enrichment to the lives of our patients and families and we are proud to work with you in the delivery of quality end-of-life care.” – LaTina Schlafley, R.N., ICC/QI Coordinator, Hospice of Central Ohio
Facility Reference Letters
Behavioral Health - "I overheard a patient who suffers from a severe mental health illness be able to carry on a coherent conversation with the Angel Paws volunteer for the first time since being admitted. It was apparent that the patient benefited from the therapeutic effects. Another patient had been nothing but angry and hostile since his arrival. Suddenly he was not only smiling while petting the therapy dog and having a pleasant conversation with the Angel Paws volunteer but he even apologized to me afterwards. Many patients continue to talk about the visit for some time afterwards which brightens everyone up for the rest of the day - this is a big help to staff as well as patients." - Mary Rogers, R.N., Shepherd Hill Behavioral Health, a department of Licking Memorial Hospital
Library - "At our most recent Puppy Tales day, one mother and her son were both so excited about how much he had improved after his last Puppy Tales session. With confidence he had gained after reading with the dog, he kept reading on his own and finished the book he had started during his previous session. Now he was ready to choose a new book to read. A number of parents of reluctant readers have told us how excited their children are to get to read with an Angel paws/R.E.A.D. dog and have thanked us for having this program at the Library. I've seen the way other library customers, both adult and children, light up when they see their dogs before or after reading sessions with the children. The Angel Paws therapy dogs are great resource for this area..." - Sadie E. Smith, Head of Children's Services, Licking County Library School - "We had spent several years investigating agencies and organizations claiming to offer these benefits through their therapy dog programs and services. After enlisting with some of these organizations, we were not impressed with the services offered, nor the results witnessed with our students, or the dogs utilized. ... Our first meeting between Eagle Wings Academy's administration and (Angel Paws' Director) was impressive, as the presentation from Angel Paws was thorough in addressing the needs of our students, the benefits of improving fluency and comprehension in reading and how we could most effectively work together to maximize benefits for our students. The trained & registered Angel Paws/R.E.A.D. team also proved to be knowledgeable in the filed of education. Students with clearly identified goals were selected for one on one 20 minute session with an Angel Paws/READ animal-handler once a week. These same students remained with their specific dong and handler for the duration of the three months. This continuity allowed for a beneficial relationship to develop between the trained animal-handler team and each individual student participant, which we fully appreciate is the cornerstone of a quality school R.E.A.D. program. ... We at Eagle Wings Academy highly recommend this program to any school considering the utilization of a therapy animal program." - Amanda Griffith, Executive Director & Becky Shaffer, Curriculum Advisor, Eagle Wings Academy "We've had quite a few patients who were real dandies to deal with but were completely transformed after the Angel Paws volunteers began visits with their therapy animals." - R.N., Autumn Health Care "Angel Paws is definitely one of our most popular programs." - Debbie Hartshorn, Frmr.Administrative Director, Autumn Health Care "It's so nice to see residents that never join in any activity or even leave their rooms smile and perk right up when Angel Paws volunteers visit." - Randa Lloyd, Frmr. Activity Director Autumn Health Care |
"Thank you for the excellent presentation you gave to my Introduction to Counseling Psychology students. The feedback was extremely positive and when I surveyed the students regarding how valuable your talk was to their training, they unanimously said "extremely valuable". Several are strongly considering animal assistance Angel Paws training in the future given they were so inspired by the education, videos, and personal experiences you provided. My students and I were particularly impressed by the compelling outcome studies you cited as the course stresses using only those techniques that are research-supported in their outcomes. In short, your presentation was wonderful and I would definitely want your class visit to become a regular part of my course offering. Thank you again for your time, expertise, and passion." - Janice McLean, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Ohio State University-Newark
"Thank you for the excellent presentation you gave to my Introduction to Counseling Psychology students. The feedback was extremely positive and when I surveyed the students regarding how valuable your talk was to their training, they unanimously said "extremely valuable". Several are strongly considering animal assistance Angel Paws training in the future given they were so inspired by the education, videos, and personal experiences you provided. My students and I were particularly impressed by the compelling outcome studies you cited as the course stresses using only those techniques that are research-supported in their outcomes. In short, your presentation was wonderful and I would definitely want your class visit to become a regular part of my course offering. Thank you again for your time, expertise, and passion." - Janice McLean, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, Ohio State University-Newark

"When I heard that the Angel Paws (volunteer) training would take two days to complete, my first impression was of skepticism. What could possibly be covered that would take that length of time? The multi-media and interactive role-playing during those two days was not only comprehensive but also interesting. It challenged my thinking and I considered it time well spent. This organization highly values the mutually beneficial relationship between volunteer, patient and pet, with a keen attention to safety, sensitivity and effective interaction." - Richard R. Donnard, D.O., Medical Director, Hospice of Central Ohio
"(Angel Paws') workshop was terrific--I loved every minute. When I signed up for the program, I couldn't imagine how instructions for handlers only could possibly fill 13 to 14 hours. But the two days were absolutely packed with helpful material. I learned so much more than I'd anticipated. (Angel Paws' licensed Pet Partners Instructor) is a wonderful, compassionate instructor." - Molly Culbertson, Columbus, OH, Angel Paws' Pet Partners Handlers Workshop''13
More comments from Angel Paws' Workshop Participants: "(Our Instructor) had a vast knowledge of everything covered, answered everyone's questions and taught even more than I expected." ... "Nice job! (I feel) well prepared for the next step." ... "I am glad I came to this workshop! Very very informative." ... "Great job! Great Food!" ... "Awesome information! Enjoyed role playing exercises."... "Great Facility!" ... "Lot's of information in a short time. Very informative and so very helpful." ... "I was very impressed with all aspects and instructor knowledge." ... "It was very well organized and informative."
"In spite of the physical pain I endure every day (due to a back injury), perhaps even because of it, I really enjoy sharing the love Lucy gives me. I'm uplifted by many rewards of sharing her with others and am reminded of how fortunate I am. We all have gifts to give. no matter how difficult things may sometimes seem there is always someone who can benefit from what we have to offer." - Brenda Wenzel, Angel Paws' Pet Partners Volunteer
"One day we visited a woman who was completely unresponsive. I didn't think she even knew we were there, but when I took her hand and gently ran it down Kaite's fur she actually smiled. Smiles like that are priceless." - Joanne Martin, Angel Paws' Pet Partners Volunteer
"A lot of faces light up when we see Maddie but even I wasn't prepared for the dramatic effect she would have on residents we visit in the health care facilities." - Dennis Hoffman, Angel Paws' Pet Partners Volunteer
"There is an important bond between people and their pets. As an Angel Paws volunteer, it is a privilege to share Rupert with people who can no longer have their animal companions with them. Our visits never fail to brighten a day and bring a smile - both to the residents and myself. But often Rupert has an even greater impact. One woman we visit has severe hand tremors that never fail to steady while petting Rupert - and Rupert sometimes relaxes to the point where he goes right to sleep." - Sally McClaskey, Angel Paws Pet Partners Volunteer (Rupert, Therapy Guinea Pig)
"(Angel Paws') workshop was terrific--I loved every minute. When I signed up for the program, I couldn't imagine how instructions for handlers only could possibly fill 13 to 14 hours. But the two days were absolutely packed with helpful material. I learned so much more than I'd anticipated. (Angel Paws' licensed Pet Partners Instructor) is a wonderful, compassionate instructor." - Molly Culbertson, Columbus, OH, Angel Paws' Pet Partners Handlers Workshop''13
More comments from Angel Paws' Workshop Participants: "(Our Instructor) had a vast knowledge of everything covered, answered everyone's questions and taught even more than I expected." ... "Nice job! (I feel) well prepared for the next step." ... "I am glad I came to this workshop! Very very informative." ... "Great job! Great Food!" ... "Awesome information! Enjoyed role playing exercises."... "Great Facility!" ... "Lot's of information in a short time. Very informative and so very helpful." ... "I was very impressed with all aspects and instructor knowledge." ... "It was very well organized and informative."
"In spite of the physical pain I endure every day (due to a back injury), perhaps even because of it, I really enjoy sharing the love Lucy gives me. I'm uplifted by many rewards of sharing her with others and am reminded of how fortunate I am. We all have gifts to give. no matter how difficult things may sometimes seem there is always someone who can benefit from what we have to offer." - Brenda Wenzel, Angel Paws' Pet Partners Volunteer
"One day we visited a woman who was completely unresponsive. I didn't think she even knew we were there, but when I took her hand and gently ran it down Kaite's fur she actually smiled. Smiles like that are priceless." - Joanne Martin, Angel Paws' Pet Partners Volunteer
"A lot of faces light up when we see Maddie but even I wasn't prepared for the dramatic effect she would have on residents we visit in the health care facilities." - Dennis Hoffman, Angel Paws' Pet Partners Volunteer
"There is an important bond between people and their pets. As an Angel Paws volunteer, it is a privilege to share Rupert with people who can no longer have their animal companions with them. Our visits never fail to brighten a day and bring a smile - both to the residents and myself. But often Rupert has an even greater impact. One woman we visit has severe hand tremors that never fail to steady while petting Rupert - and Rupert sometimes relaxes to the point where he goes right to sleep." - Sally McClaskey, Angel Paws Pet Partners Volunteer (Rupert, Therapy Guinea Pig)

(Our son) was deaf for almost 4 years. This was terrific for him. The animals relaxed him enough to break through his fear of learning. Thank God for you and the animals." - Parent of Angel Paws/READ program participant.
"I haven't seen my father and laugh like that in over two years." - Glenn Mitchell, son in law of client at Autumn Health Care
"The beneficial effects of animal interaction cannot be measured enough. (My mother) has always had animals and was a provider of food and care for a countless number of strays. It is so fitting that now that she has Alzheimer's and is no longer in her home that animals are coming to comfort her." - Terrie Frame, daughter of Flint Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation client
"I haven't seen my father and laugh like that in over two years." - Glenn Mitchell, son in law of client at Autumn Health Care
"The beneficial effects of animal interaction cannot be measured enough. (My mother) has always had animals and was a provider of food and care for a countless number of strays. It is so fitting that now that she has Alzheimer's and is no longer in her home that animals are coming to comfort her." - Terrie Frame, daughter of Flint Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation client

"If you would just let me have her (Angel Paws therapy dog) I wouldn't need anything else!" - Ida Garvin, Flint Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation client
"If I'm down and gloomy, Sami always gives me a lift." - Margaret Wildman, Flint Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation client
"God made dogs so that every person on earth would have at least one true friend." - client
"If I'm down and gloomy, Sami always gives me a lift." - Margaret Wildman, Flint Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation client
"God made dogs so that every person on earth would have at least one true friend." - client
Related pages ...

Welcome & Thank You for Your Interest
Mission, Method & Core Values
Affiliations: Delta Society Pet Partners & Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D)
What Is Animal Assisted Activities & Therapy?
What Makes Angel Paws, Delta Society & R.E.A.D. Unique?
Backgrounder & Timeline
Who We Serve...
Who We Are...
Structure & Activities
Fact Sheet
Mission, Method & Core Values
Affiliations: Delta Society Pet Partners & Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D)
What Is Animal Assisted Activities & Therapy?
What Makes Angel Paws, Delta Society & R.E.A.D. Unique?
Backgrounder & Timeline
Who We Serve...
Who We Are...
Structure & Activities
Fact Sheet