Fact Sheet
MISSION: To Work In Partnership With Select Facilities To Safely & Effectively Integrate The Beneficial Effects of Human/Animal Interactions Into A Holistic Approach To Health Care & Education.
WHAT: ANGEL PAWS ANIMAL ASSISTED ACTIVITIES & THERAPY (AAA/T) is an all volunteer 501(c)3 non-profit pubic charity, registered Pet Partners® (formerly Delta Society®) and Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.®) affiliate program based in Newark, Ohio, incorporated in 2003. Angel Paws is the 1st & only AAA/T program in Central Ohio to offer comprehensive, standards based, Therapeutic Health Care Visitation and Reading Education Assistance Dogs® (R.E.A.D.®) literacy mentoring programs. Carefully screened, trained, evaluated, registered, insured and coordinated animal/handler teams volunteer time and expertise to benefit patients, families, visitors, staff, students and community. |
SERVICES INCLUDE: VOLUNTEER Training, Testing, Registration, Placement & On-going Support - FACILITY Staff Orientations, Site Assessments, Comprehensive Program Implementation, Evaluation & Community Outreach - PRESENTATIONS for Clubs, Churches & Groups!
A multidisciplinary volunteer governing Board of professionals and advisers from related fields oversees and approves all policies, procedures and activities of the organization. All Angel Paws volunteer animal-handler teams receive both academic and practical training and all programs follow Pet Partners & R.E.A.D.® standards of practice. The organization is funded by public contributions.
WHERE: Angel Paws has implemented comprehensive programs at: Hospice of Central Ohio; Shepherd Hill Behavioral Health, a Department of Licking Memorial Hospital; Twin Valley Behavioral Health; Kindred Transitional Health Care & Rehabilitation; Flint Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation; Autumn Health Care; Kairos Academy; Licking County Library; Eagle Wings Academy; The Center for New Beginnings Domestic Violence Shelter, a program of The Woodlands; Indian Mound Mall; & various special event & presentation requests. As our volunteer base and funding develops, Angel Paws will be able to serve more facilities on waiting list.
WHY: A new time calls for new techniques. Health care and education today face unprecedented challenges for all involved in the process. Scientific studies have established measurable correlations between emotions, health, healing and learning. Interaction with animals has been proven to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol & triglyceride levels; slow & regulate breathing; relieve pain & anxiety; and release pleasure inducing hormones and neurotransmitters in both adults and children. Pets are playing an ever-increasing role in satisfying human needs for intimacy, nurturance, and contact with nature
Pet Partners® (formerly Delta Society) (www.petpartners.org), Pet Partners (formerly Delta Society) was founded in 1977 to research and develop safe and effective programs to promote all aspects of the Human-Animal Health Connection. Pet Partners, founded in 1990, is the largest and only nationally recognized training & registration program to provide comprehensive standards of practice for volunteers, professionals, pets & facilities participating in AAA/T. Angel Paws has been a registered Pet Partners affiliate organization since 2004. Delta Society became Pet partners in 2012.
Reading Education Assistance Dogs® (R.E.A.D.®) (www.therapyanimals.org/R.E.A.D./html) is the 1st & only nationally recognized program, founded in 1999, to provide comprehensive training, program planning and implementation for volunteers to incorporate the safe and effective use of registered therapy dogs in literacy mentoring sessions. For more information about Angel Paws R.E.A.D. please click here.
RESEARCH: (for a brief video news release put out by the American Heart Association about scientifically proven benefits of AAA/T in a UCLS Cardiac Care Until please click here)
COMMENTS: (for more comments please see our testimonials page)
"I have managed over 125 different health care facilities in 14 states and Angel Paws is different than any other pet therapy program I have experienced in that your volunteers are highly professional, start to finish. I believe that Angel Paws is a role model for anyone seeking true Animal Assisted Therapy in a health care setting.” - John Hughes, Frmr. Owner/Administrative Director, Flint Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation
“(Our son) was deaf for almost 4 years. This was terrific for him. The animals relaxed him enough to break through his fear of learning. Thank God for you and the animals.” - Parent of Angel Paws/R.EA.D.® program participant.
“Angel Paws provides enrichment to the lives of our patients and families and we are proud to work with you in the delivery of quality end-of-life care.!” - LaTina Schlafley, R.N., ICC/QI Coordinator, Hospice of Central Ohio
"This organization highly values the mutually beneficial relationship between volunteer, patient and pet, with a keen attention to safety, sensitivity and effective interaction." - Richard R. Donnard, D.O., Medical Director, Hospice of Central Ohio
A multidisciplinary volunteer governing Board of professionals and advisers from related fields oversees and approves all policies, procedures and activities of the organization. All Angel Paws volunteer animal-handler teams receive both academic and practical training and all programs follow Pet Partners & R.E.A.D.® standards of practice. The organization is funded by public contributions.
WHERE: Angel Paws has implemented comprehensive programs at: Hospice of Central Ohio; Shepherd Hill Behavioral Health, a Department of Licking Memorial Hospital; Twin Valley Behavioral Health; Kindred Transitional Health Care & Rehabilitation; Flint Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation; Autumn Health Care; Kairos Academy; Licking County Library; Eagle Wings Academy; The Center for New Beginnings Domestic Violence Shelter, a program of The Woodlands; Indian Mound Mall; & various special event & presentation requests. As our volunteer base and funding develops, Angel Paws will be able to serve more facilities on waiting list.
WHY: A new time calls for new techniques. Health care and education today face unprecedented challenges for all involved in the process. Scientific studies have established measurable correlations between emotions, health, healing and learning. Interaction with animals has been proven to reduce blood pressure, cholesterol & triglyceride levels; slow & regulate breathing; relieve pain & anxiety; and release pleasure inducing hormones and neurotransmitters in both adults and children. Pets are playing an ever-increasing role in satisfying human needs for intimacy, nurturance, and contact with nature
Pet Partners® (formerly Delta Society) (www.petpartners.org), Pet Partners (formerly Delta Society) was founded in 1977 to research and develop safe and effective programs to promote all aspects of the Human-Animal Health Connection. Pet Partners, founded in 1990, is the largest and only nationally recognized training & registration program to provide comprehensive standards of practice for volunteers, professionals, pets & facilities participating in AAA/T. Angel Paws has been a registered Pet Partners affiliate organization since 2004. Delta Society became Pet partners in 2012.
Reading Education Assistance Dogs® (R.E.A.D.®) (www.therapyanimals.org/R.E.A.D./html) is the 1st & only nationally recognized program, founded in 1999, to provide comprehensive training, program planning and implementation for volunteers to incorporate the safe and effective use of registered therapy dogs in literacy mentoring sessions. For more information about Angel Paws R.E.A.D. please click here.
RESEARCH: (for a brief video news release put out by the American Heart Association about scientifically proven benefits of AAA/T in a UCLS Cardiac Care Until please click here)
- Hospitalized cardiac patients visited by volunteers with dogs showed marked improvements in scientifically measured anxiety, stress, heart pressure and lung pressure as compared with visits from volunteers without dogs. (Cole, 2005)
- The presence of a dog lowers the blood pressure of children reading aloud (Allen, 2002)
- Medication costs dropped an average of $3.80 per patient per day in nursing home facilities having animals as an integral part of the environment. (Montague, 1995)
- The second most common denominator between students who get A’s & B’s (as opposed to D’s & F’s) is a self proclaimed love of reading (the first is eating breakfast)
- Children's cognitive development (Poresky, 1988) and positive self esteem (Bergensen, 1989) can be enhanced by owning a pet.
- Pet owners have fewer minor health problems. (Friedmann, 1990, Serpel, 1990) and better psychological well-being (Serpel, 1990) than non pet owners.
- Pets fulfill many of the same support functions as humans for both adults & children. (Melson, 1998)
- There were more registered dogs alone in Licking County than there were households with children under the age of 18 in 2000 (2000 US Census) as pet ownership continues to rise.
COMMENTS: (for more comments please see our testimonials page)
"I have managed over 125 different health care facilities in 14 states and Angel Paws is different than any other pet therapy program I have experienced in that your volunteers are highly professional, start to finish. I believe that Angel Paws is a role model for anyone seeking true Animal Assisted Therapy in a health care setting.” - John Hughes, Frmr. Owner/Administrative Director, Flint Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation
“(Our son) was deaf for almost 4 years. This was terrific for him. The animals relaxed him enough to break through his fear of learning. Thank God for you and the animals.” - Parent of Angel Paws/R.EA.D.® program participant.
“Angel Paws provides enrichment to the lives of our patients and families and we are proud to work with you in the delivery of quality end-of-life care.!” - LaTina Schlafley, R.N., ICC/QI Coordinator, Hospice of Central Ohio
"This organization highly values the mutually beneficial relationship between volunteer, patient and pet, with a keen attention to safety, sensitivity and effective interaction." - Richard R. Donnard, D.O., Medical Director, Hospice of Central Ohio
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Mission, Method & Core Values
Affiliations: Delta Society Pet Partners & Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D)
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Backgrounder & Timeline
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